May the Froth Be With You

Ah yes, May the 4th, International Star Wars Day....

I am not the biggest fan of the franchise, I don't understand the hype. I mean, I can see why the original ones are legendary, but since Disney bought Star Wars from George Lucas it has turned into a Cash Cow.

So this brings me to my Blog Title. Froth... Coffee!

May The Froth Be With You!

My love for coffee runs deep, it has been in my life since childhood and I fondly remember my mom standing over the stove making old school filter coffee in a steel pot with a mesh filter inside it. Obviously as a child I was not allowed to drink coffee, but as an adult I am very fond of it. Caffeine is an amazing drug, it allows one's brain to go into a supercharge mode, and coffee beans contain other molecules that are known to have health benefits. I am sure there are downsides to consuming caffeine, but lets not get bogged down with negatives.

If you like a full-bodied medium roasted coffee like me, try the whole bean coffee by Lavazza, Crema Aroma.

I also use something called an Aeropress. A plastic thingamagic that brews delicious coffee, us the inverted brew method and brew for 2-4 minutes. It's amazing coffee.

That is all for now, stay awake y'all, drink coffee.

"May we forever graze in The Pasture of Muppets"
