Football Club Barcelona wins La Liga 2023

A great achievement and one that was last won by FCB four years ago. This was a brutal year for the team.

And just like that, with a few games to spare, FCB won their 27th La Liga Title. Crazy! It was a really good domestic season for them and one that was hard thought. Xavi has been at the club for 1.5 Seasons and has improved the team's defense dramatically. FCB has always been a club with a style that is more focused on attacking, rather than defending. However, after Neymar and Suarez left the club, the attack has been lackluster, and I guess one way to help with attacking is to make sure you don't let any goals through.

Idealistically, the club are not playing "Barcelona Football" anymore, Tiki Taka is gone, teams know how to defend against it. This is the difficult part for Xavi; trying to maintain that Barcelona style, but yet still winning all the trophies.

I do feel that Barca need better attackers to help Lewandowski and Dembele, or stand in for Dembele when he is injured, because he is injured a lot.

I do feel that Xavi created a good foundation to build from, his team is 60% there with regards to players. They need a Right Back, a CDM, one good midfielder, and two wingers, maybe a backup striker. This won't happen anytime soon since the previous club president destroyed the club's finances.

I wish Barcelona did better in Europe, that is always the measure of a team like Barcelona, how do they size up against the big dogs.

Let's hope the 2023/24 season is better.

Visca el Barca. Vamos!

"May we forever graze in The Pasture of Muppets"

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