Football Club Barcelona

I remember watching a program that came on every Sunday, it was about the week's happenings in the Soccer world. I used to love watching the interview with players with short clips of their skills on the pitch. This is where I met Ronaldinho, one of the most magical football players in soccer history. He is the reason why I started supporting Barcelona.

I then stopped watching this football show, because it was removed from the public broadcaster's roster. A few years passed and I somehow decided to start watching soccer at a local pub with a good friend, this is where I met Messi. Was mind boggling to see him with a ball at his feet. The years I saw him play I will never forget. A few years passed and Barcelona appoint a new Club President, Josep Maria Bartomeu. At the time we did not know what he was capable of, but we eventually found out how corrupt he was. During his reign the club made terrible signings, paid 200% above market value for almost all players, and ones that don't fit the Tiki Taka philosophy Johan Cryuff created at the club. Bartomeu's actions made things so bad that they had to sell Messi! The best footballer of our time! Terrible!

This brings us to present day. Josep Bartomeu has been fired a few years ago, Laporta is now the Club's President, for the second time, and things are looking better.

However, Xavi is now the head coach, he was one of the best midfielders the game has ever seen. But even with all his knowledge and skill, he finds himself in a very deep hole. The club has no money, and can hardly afford new ones. There once was a time where Barcelona were a club with no sponsorship on it's jersey, today they had to rename their stadium to Spotify Camp Nou, just to make ends meet. Yes, things are bad.

Anyway, the club is at a cross roads, Messi's contract is ending at PSG and there is a possibility of him returning to Camp Nou. Personally, I think this is impossible, since the club has no money, the players they might sell won't be enough to make up for the deficit. This will force Xavi to sell all the players he can, and buy the bargain players in the market with the required set of skills. What makes this situation worse is that the squad is thin, and even the players he has are not on the level required to play at Barcelona. Also, there are rumours that Messi might sign for a club in the UAE and is tempting his two friends at Barcelona, Busquets and Alba to join. They are the two last players remaining of the Old Guard, The Golden Years.

I don't really know how Xavi is going to solve this. Has has done well this year, the team's defence is rock solid, but the attack is lackluster. The team got eliminated out of two European contests, and is usually a measure of a coach's tactical nous.

So yeah, it's sad to see such a great club struggle like this, but you reap what you sow, I guess.

Vamos Barca!

"May we forever graze in The Pasture Of Muppets"
