Muppet Monologue


Man, what a busy and productive week this has been, Hardly had time to sit down and share my thoughts with you.

In my quest to get a job in Canada, I decided to enroll for a short 3 month program online, which should get me a very smart certificate once completed. The first course of six was completed where I was pleasantly surprised with the content of the course, it's delivery, and how much fun it was to take part in. Very keen for the remaining 5 courses and also very keen to land a job soon. It has been a year since my last paycheck, and have since applied for over 200-300 jobs that resulted in 2 callbacks only. Absolutely terrible stats for a person from Africa with a PhD in Chemistry and 5 years work experience. Can't help but think that my mental health has taken a knock from this whole situation?

Side Note: I have some very strong opinions about the struggles of skilled Immigrants in Canada and would refrain from sharing them here. However, what I will do is post a link to some Scientific Evidence and leave you to draw your own conclusions.

Why Do Skilled Immigrants Struggle in the Labor Market?

Anyway, onto the next challenge!

"May we forever graze on The Pasture Of Muppets"
